Desk - Amek Angela, 36 input
Main Monitors ATC SCM 300 in "Eastmill" cabinets.
Powered by Crown DC 300 (low + mid frequencies), Crown D 150 (high frequencies), ATC EC23 Cross-over.
Nearfield... Focal Solo6 Be &
Protools HD2 w/ 3x 96 I/O Interfaces.
Protools HD 8 w/ 3x 96 I/O Interfaces - Running Pro Tools or Logic Audio Pro
Bomb Factory Plugins. Sony Oxford EQ & Filters, Pultec EQ, Autotune, Focusrite EQ and Comp Limiter, Joemeek Meekualizer, Joemeek Compressor, Reverb One, IZotope Ozone 3 EQ and Comp, Izotope Trash, Maxim
M.C.I. 2" 24 track.
Auto Locator
Fostex 4035 / Fostex 4030
Computer interface leads & cabling
Any specific computer sequencing or digital recording equipment, can be hired in to suit individual client needs..
2 x UREI 1176 Compressors
1 x BSS DPR 402 dual compressor
1 x TLA Dual Mic. Valve amp+EQ
1 x AMS rmx 16 digital reverb
1 x Yamaha rev 7
1 x Yamaha SPX 90
1 x Roland SDE 3000
3 x Drawmer DS 201 dual gates
1 x Drawmer DL221 Comp/Limiter
1 x Cutec CD 425 Delay
1 x Focusrite Trackmaster Platinum
HHB "Burn it" Cd Burner
2 x Neumann u87,
2 x Sennheiser MD421,
1 x AKG D12,
1 x D112,
3 x Shure SM57,
1 X Sennheiser MD441,
2 x Shure SM58 x 2,
2 x Beyer 201,
3 x Calrec CC50,
PZM, Electrovoice & more.
Keyboards: Roland Juno (midi), Roland midi keyboard.
Drums: Ludwig, Gretsch, Paiste, Sabian.
Amps: Vox AC30,Roland 50 watt bass amp, 1 Marshall 4 x 12 cab, Sansamp.
© the doghouse studio 2003 -